And the disorder does not come without its own struggles
Life gets tough sometimes, I’m sure we all know a thing or two about that.
It’s in phases. There are seasons of upliftment, seasons of normalcy, and seasons of depression.
For a good percentage of us, this is just the normal sphere of life. It’s called living. Adulting!
For a few percentage of us, these seasons last a bit longer and are somewhat opposed to normalcy.
So, here is the big question. How do you know it’s time to seek for professional help?

- Clinically, Depression is characterized by one or more major depressive episode without a history of manic, mixed or hypomanic episodes.
- Englishlically, (ha! you see what I did there), If you’ve been experiencing extreme sadness for a period over four days consecutively without an organic course, you might want to speak to someone
- Diminished ability to experience pleasure, loss of interest in usual activities, sadness, pessimistic outlook, crying spells, hopelessness, anxiety, feelings of guilt & psychotic features (e.g auditory hallucinations & delusion).
- Fatigue, pain (esp. headache), sleep disturbance, appetite disturbance, loss of sexual interest, GI & cardiovascular complaints
- Decrease ability to concentrate or slowed thinking, poor memory for recent events, confusion & indecisiveness
Depression may present with symptoms as:
The depressed mind often loses perspective and sometimes advocates permanent solutions to intense emotional pain. So, most important of all, if your loved one is expressing any intention to harm themselves, an assessment should take place immediately.
- Jim Hjort, LCSW
More often than not, immersing yourself in a community of people experiencing what you’re going through.
Having a functioning support system during these episodes, and, ultimately remembering, you are not alone. Things won’t always be this bad.

There is treatment for depression. The sun will shine again.
There are medications available to the management and treatment of depression and also, psychosocial support.
Reach out to us directly today, if you feel the need to. Always available to render a helping hand.

You are loved. You are wanted. You are needed.
Your feelings are valid. Your existence is essential.